Are MP's supporting the campaign for IVF fairness and are CCG's really to blame?
Listen to the Fertility Network's response.
NHS Clinical Commissioning Group for Cambridge and Peterborough
Earlier today I spoke with Natalie, representative of Fertility Network, to find out more about the vital work they do and what more needs to be done to stop the IVF postcode lottery.
IVF is a standard procedure used by couples when drug treatment alone is unsuccessful for conception.
It is estimated that five million babies have been born due to IVF worldwide. In 2010, 2% of babies born in the UK were through IVF.
However, according to data from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), only 40% of IVF treatments in the UK were funded by the NHS.
The current National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines state that couples should be entitled to three rounds of fertility treatment. But, across the UK and especially in England, many CCG's are not taking this advice.
Recently, the CCG for Cambridge and Peterborough stopped funding fertility treatment, something Jacqueline Doyle-Price says "blights patients lives".
But who is to blame for the unfair and abhorrent distribution of fertility resources, are MP's doing enough?
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